Summary of SOD "Winter Sports" in the preparatory group; outline of a lesson on appliqué, modeling (preparatory group) on the topic. Modeling “Man in Motion” (Sports) with children of the preparatory school group Modeling notes on the topic of sports in preparation

in the direction of artistic creativity (modeling)

“Skiers (making a model).”

Compiled by the teacher of group 5:

Moscow, 2014


Cultivate an interest in winter sports and a desire to participate in outdoor games.

Software tasks:


Accumulation and enrichment of children's knowledge about the Olympic movement.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the symbols and rituals of the Olympic Games.

Develop cognitive initiative .


To develop children's knowledge about winter sports.

Activate children's vocabulary: continent, torch, emblem, talisman.

"Artistic creativity (modeling)"

Strengthen children's ability to sculpt a person in motion, use the technique of sculpting from a whole piece.

Practice sculpting techniques: smoothing, stretching, flattening.


Develop communication skills and interaction skills between children.

Preliminary work : reading fiction on sports topics, conversations and looking at illustrations about sports.

Equipment: Model of a ski stadium with Olympic attributes -

(flag with Olympic symbols, torch with Olympic flame, talismans).

Russian flag, teaching material, figurines of forest animals, modeling boards according to the number of children, plasticine, stacks, cloths for hands, two sticks for each.


The teacher quietly leaves a beautiful envelope with a letter before the children arrive. The children who come pay attention to the envelope and show interest in it. The teacher apologizes for forgetting to show it to the children, saying that he will open the envelope when all the children get ready, that is, after breakfast.

Children are waiting, making assumptions about “who” and “where”. The time has come - the teacher reads out the letter.

Educator:Hello, dear guys from the “Friendly Family” group, you are greeted by the Mascots of the Olympic Movement in the city of Sochi: Bunny, Bear and Leopard. We would like to know how you are preparing for the Olympics in your kindergarten and at home. See you soon in kindergarten.

Educator:How will we prepare to meet guests?

Children:Let's put things in order and prepare our drawings of the Olympics.

Educator:Guys, what do you think will be interesting for the Talismans to hear from us?

Children:Probably about what the Olympics are.

Educator:What is this?

De ty: This is a sports festival where athletes from different countries gather.

Educator: And for what?

Children:To find out who is stronger .

Educator:Guys, how many of you know where the Olympic movement originated?

Children:In Ancient Greece, Olympia.

Educatorb: Children, you said that athletes are gathering to measure their strength, but don’t you want to compete with each other?

Children: We want.

Educator:What needs to be done for this?

At this time, the teacher displays a model with Olympic symbols, figurines of forest animals, a poster with a picture of a fire and the Russian flag.

The teacher asks questions to each team in turn.

Question to the first team: The teacher asks a question, paying attention to the imitation of the Olympic flame. What does it look like?

First command:To the Olympic flame.

Educator: Right, and on what occasions is the Olympic flame lit?

Children:When are the Olympics held?

Educator: You have earned one point.

Question for the second team: What is shown on this poster?

Second command: This is a fire.

Educator: Where do we use it?

Children:Probably to keep warm, barbecue, burn garbage .

Educator: That's right, you earn a point too.

Educator: Who can tell where we can see such a flag?

Children: In the country where the Olympics are taking place .

Educator: You are awarded the second point. Second question to your team. The flag of which country am I holding in my hands?

First team: Flag of Russia.

Educator: What do these three colors mean?

Children: White is the color of the clouds, blue is the color of the sea, red is the color of fire.

Educatorb: Third question: What kind of animals are gathered here?

Second team: These are talismans .

Educator: Why did you choose them?

The teacher listens to the children's reasoning and complements their answers.

Educator: You are awarded the third point.

Guys, why didn’t they take these animals?

Children:Because they are just forest animals.

Educator:Children, I want to ask the first team, what do the rings on the Olympic flag mean?

Children:This is friendship of all continents:

Blue color - Europe

Black color - Africa

Red - America

Yellow - Asia

Green - Australia

Educator:Well done, fourth point for you.

Guys, listen to how beautiful the words sound:

5 rings on a white flag

Intertwined with each other,

As if all the athletes in the world

They held hands tightly.

Educator:And now the second team will lay out an emblem from the rings .

Children stand on the carpet and lay out the Olympic emblem in the proper order.

Educator:It's time to sum up: each team received 4 points .

You can be proud of your knowledge. Well done!

Educatel: To be strong and dexterous -

Training will help us!

Get up for exercise.

We put our hands on your shoulders

We begin to rotate them,

So we will correct the posture

One two three four five!

Place your hands in front of your chest

We separate to the sides

We will do exercises

In any weather.

Let's raise our right hand,

And we’ll lower the other one down,

We swap them

We move our hands smoothly.

Now let's get together

Let's step everything in place!

Educator:Let's sit down. You have cut-out pictures on your table, I suggest collecting them and saying what they mean?

Children collect cards.

Children: And we turned out to be athletes.

The following sports are listed: biathlon, speed skating, alpine skiing, hockey, snowboarding, bobsleigh.

Educator: Guys, what time of year are these sports associated with?

Children: Happy winter.

Educator: Children, what kind of sport is our layout suitable for?

I'll help you with a riddle:

There is such a sport in the world,

It is popular in winter.

You're running on runners

You rush after your opponent.

Children: Skiers .

Educator:Well done, and now we will sculpt skiers to show them to our future guests.

Modeling from a whole piece.

1. Cut off a quarter of the sausage and divide it in half.

One part for the head (3), the other for skis.

2. Cuts in half one third from the top (arms - 1)

And the cut from the bottom is also a third (legs - 2)

3. We stretch our arms and legs and bend them at the elbows and knees.

4. Skis (4), flattened sausages.


Educator:The ski team is ready. Well done, I think the mascots will enjoy our work.

The children admire their work.

Rogozhina Lyubov Evgenievna
Summary of a modeling lesson for the senior group “Skier”

Summary of a modeling lesson for older children.

On the topic skier.

Target. Artistic and aesthetic development.

To develop the ability to sculpt a person in motion, to maintain proportions.

Strengthen skills sculpting: Roll out the plasticine in a circular motion to get a round shape. Roll out the plasticine using straight movements to obtain an oval shape. Cut the plasticine into a stack, smooth it out, connect the individual parts

Cognitive development. To consolidate knowledge about sports such as ski jumping, biathlon, skiing.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Riddle.

The teacher asks the children the following riddle.

Wooden two horses

They carry me down the mountain

I hold two sticks in my hands

But I don’t beat horses, I feel sorry for them

And to speed up the run

I touch the snow with sticks.


Educator. What ski sports do you know?

Children. Ski jump, biathlon, skiing.

Educator. What kind of sports are these?

When ski jumping, the athlete must jump as far as possible on the ski jump. In addition to the jump distance, execution technique is also important.

A biathlon athlete walks a certain distance and shoots at a target with a rifle.

Ski a sportsman descends from the mountains along a route measured by special flags and gates.

The teacher invites one of the children to portray a person skiing. Children describe pose: One leg protrudes forward and the other is laid back. Raise your arms forward.

For what skier sticks? To push off the snow and ride better.

Children note proportions body: small round head, large oval body, thin oval arms.

3 Physical education for a minute.

We're all going skiing

We climb the hill.

The sticks will help us now, the road will be easy for us.

Suddenly a strong wind arose, it twisted the trees,

And among the branches it flies, the snow flies, flies, flies.

The bunny jumps across the field like a white soft ball.

One jump, two jumps, and our friend disappeared.

It's good for us to ride here, we need to practice again.

4. Practical part.

The teacher demonstrates techniques sculpting. Take a whole piece of plasticine and cut off a little less than half of the piece in a stack. Cut a large piece from the bottom into a stack until it reaches half of the piece. And give the cut parts the shape of the legs, smooth them out. Cut a small piece of plasticine into two pieces in a stack. And from one part roll two small balls, flatten them - these will be the feet. Connect with legs skier. Roll the remaining part of the plasticine into a thin sausage, cut in half - these will be the hands. Connect with skier. Make a round head from white or yellow plasticine. Shape skier's neck, and attach a round head. Skier put on skis cut out in advance from cardboard. Instead of sticks, cotton swabs are attached. Can decorate the skier, make a hat, eyes, mouth from plasticine. At the end, children evaluate their work.

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Summary of GCD for modeling in the senior group on the topic: “Skier”

1.Continue to learn how to sculpt complex objects, combining plasticine and available materials. Show the possibility of conveying the movement of a molded figure by slightly changing the position of the arms and legs;

2. To develop in children the ability to convey proportions, the ratio of figures in size; fine motor skills of fingers, imaginative thinking.

3. Foster independence, a love of winter sports, and the ability to complete work.

Vocabulary work: skiing, equipment, ski track, runners, skiers, cross-country skiing, finish, snow slopes, compete, train.

Equipment: plasticine, stacks, board for each child, napkins. Pictures with figures of skiers.

1.Introductory part

Organizational moment (surprise moment):

What is the Olympics? This is a fair sports fight! Participating in it is a reward; anyone can win!

What do you know about the Olympic Games (children's answers)

What do Olympians compete in? (children's answers)

2.Main part:

1. Conversation about the Olympic Games.

The best athletes in the world participate in the Olympic Games - the strongest, most agile, the fastest, who diligently prepare for the games and train.

What winter sports do you know? (children's answers)

The teacher shows photographs and illustrations of athletes involved in winter sports and asks them to guess the riddle about what sport it is talking about.

There is such a sport in the world

It is popular in winter.

You're running on runners

You rush after your opponent (children's answers)

2. Demonstration and explanation of the sculpting process.

I propose to open the Olympic skiing competitions with you.

Who rushes quickly through the snow,

Aren't you afraid to fail? (skier)

The teacher shows illustrations of athletes - skiers.

Educator: Look at a skier going down the mountain: his body is tilted forward, his arms are bent at the elbows and pressed to his body, the athlete’s legs are bent at the knees.

And this skier is moving along a straight, level road: his body is straight. He pushes off with one leg and bends the other at the knee, the sticks are alternately in the snow.

Pay attention to how the athletes are dressed. (children's answers) What do the skiers have in their hands? On foot? (children's answers).

The teacher shows the children a plasticine figure of a skier and invites everyone to make the same one. The teacher, in a playful way, shows children the possibility of conveying the movement of a molded figure and explains the procedure:

Roll out a small piece of white plasticine into a ball - this is the head. The cone is the body, we place the cone vertically, with the sharp end up, and attach the head on top.

Look how we will divide the plasticine for arms, legs, and hats. Put the plasticine in front of you and divide the stack in half. From one part we will make legs, from the other arm and a hat. What needs to be done to make the arms and legs the same? (children's answers).

Children plan their work and divide the plasticine into the required number of parts in parallel with the teacher.

Then the children choose the material for their craft, the color of plasticine for the skier’s equipment, and begin to sculpt. The teacher helps children with leading questions, specific advice, and individual demonstrations. Children design the craft themselves by attaching plasticine eyes, nose, mouth and hat. The “skier’s” legs are attached to cardboard skis prepared in advance by the teacher, and “ski poles” - juice tubes - are given to the hands.

The process of sculpting during a break, finger gymnastics “Skier”

3.Final part: the final stage of modeling, helping children who are unable to keep up. At the end of the work, the children transfer the molded figures of skiers to the “Olympic Games” model and secure the figures with pieces of plasticine. Children change the position of the arms and legs of the sculpted crafts, trying to convey their movement, while maintaining their stability.

The teacher examines the Olympic Games model with the children and praises the children:

4. Summing up: - What a great fellow you are, you tried so hard, look what a beautiful job we did.

5. Labor activity: preparing places for class, cleaning after class. We wipe our hands with napkins and wash our hands thoroughly with soap.

Literature used: own developments, based on the notes of D. N. Koldina “Modeling and applique with children 6-7 years old”

A modeling lesson in the middle group on the topic “Winter Sports”, modeling using natural and waste materials.
Modeling lesson “Skier” in the middle group.
Modeling from plasticine using natural materials.
Program content. Learn to sculpt complex objects by combining natural materials with plasticine. Practice the ability to connect parts by pressing them together. To consolidate children’s ideas about clothing and the names of athlete’s items.
Demonstration material. Picture of an athlete skier, a ready-made sample of a craft.
Handout. Pine cone, plasticine, 2 ice cream sticks, 2 wooden toothpicks or lollipop tubes, stand, modeling board.
Progress of the lesson
1 part. At the beginning of the lesson, remember what sports the children know and guess the riddle.
Two stripes in the snow
They leave it running.
I fly away from them like an arrow,
And they are after me again. (Skis)
Show children a picture of a skier, looking at his clothes and sports equipment.
Invite the children to make a skier, but using natural material (pine cone, waste material (toothpicks, ice cream sticks) and plasticine.
Part 2. Children place the pine cone vertically, with the sharp end down, attach a round head on top, arms (columns) on the sides, legs on the bottom.
Then the children independently design the craft, attaching plasticine eyes, nose, mouth and hat. The man's legs are attached to two wooden ice cream sticks - skis, ski poles (toothpicks or lollipop tubes) are given in his hands. The finished skier is secured on a stand.
Part 3. After completing all the work, organize an exhibition and examine all the work. “Sasha, did you turn out to be a skier, I liked sculpting with natural materials.” Let’s just say that everyone did a good job, well done.

Cultural practice: productive activity.

Form of presentation of the goal: work according to the sample

Cultural and semantic context: for group decoration

Comments: The lesson is held after children are introduced to winter sports.

Materials: plasticine sets, modeling boards, stacks, ice cream sticks, matches, cones; photographs, drawings depicting skiers.

Progress of the lesson: At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher remembers together with the children what sports the children know and guesses the riddles:

We walked in the winter park,

Just not on foot these days, -

So that it even became hot,

We rode with the breeze.

It's getting colder, the sun is lower, -

When leaving, we take off... (skis).

I run on them in the snow.

I won't fall into the snow on them.

I'll go down the high mountain

And I'm not afraid to fall.

Guess what, I can’t hear

What's happened? This-

Show children pictures of skiers, look at clothes and sports equipment.

Invite the children to make a skier, but using natural material (pine cone, waste material (toothpicks, ice cream sticks) and plasticine.

Children attach a round head to the top of the bump, arms and columns to the sides, and legs to the bottom.

Then the children independently design the craft, attaching plasticine eyes, nose, mouth and hat. The man's legs are attached to two wooden ice cream sticks - skis, ski poles (matches or toothpicks) are given to his hands. The finished skier is secured on a stand.

Possible continuation of the lesson: On the initiative of children, you can organize an exhibition dedicated to winter sports.

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