Interview with Alexandra Soldatova. “Sasha lived with me for several years... in my car”

– Russian athlete, member of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team. Repeated champion of Russian and international championships in rhythmic gymnastics. At the age of twenty, she achieved amazing results in sports, thanks to determination, hyper-responsibility and a character tempered from childhood. Gymnast Alexandra Soldatova is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful gymnasts of our time.

First steps in rhythmic gymnastics

Russian athlete Alexandra Soldatova was born on June 1, 1998 in Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan. The athlete’s biography surprises with its spontaneity, because Soldatova even got into gymnastics by accident. How old was Sasha when she joined rhythmic gymnastics? Then the future champion was only 5 years old: her parents decided to enroll the young athlete’s older brother in gymnastics, but they did not know about the difference between artistic and rhythmic gymnastics. As a result, it turned out that only a girl could be accepted. Thus began the thorny path of the still very young Sasha in sports, with which she connected her entire future life.

Afterwards, the Soldatov family moved from Sterlitamak to the city of Pushkino (Moscow region). In the Moscow region, Olga Nikolaevna Nazarova became Alexandra Soldatova’s first coach. Her family never put pressure on the future champion and always supported her in everything. The girl made the decision about a sports career herself, which helped her purposefully follow the intended path.

At the age of 12, the athlete is noticed and invited to train by Anna Vyacheslavovna Shumilova. To do this, the gymnast had to leave her home and move to a boarding school in the city of Dmitrov. According to the recollections of Sasha’s parents, at this age Alexandra was already serious and reasonable. She decided to go under the tutelage of coach Shumilova, which began a new page in her life.

Sasha Soldatova showed great promise and was invited to train at the national team’s training center in Novogorsk. However, she did not have the right to reside in Novogorsk before joining the national team.

Anna Shumilova says about this period of her life: “Sasha lived in my car for several years.”

The coach and the young athlete left Dmitrov early in the morning, spent 4-5 hours on the road and returned late in the evening. This brought the future champion and coach very close.

Alexandra Soldatova’s first serious success in rhythmic gymnastics occurred in 2012. Among juniors, the young gymnast took first place in the team all-around, performing with ribbon, at the European Championships.

Sports career of Alexandra Soldatova during the 2014-2015 season

For Alexandra Soldatova, 2014 was marked by joining the reserve team of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team. This year was prosperous for the gymnast: at the championship in Brazil she earned 5 gold medals. A little later, at a competition in the Russian Federation, the athlete took third place, which earned herself a place in the national team. In the fall of 2014, the young and inexperienced Alexandra represented Russia at the World Championships in Turkey. At this moment, her native coach Shumilova was on maternity leave and could not support the athlete. Shumilova was replaced by the head coach of the Russian national team Irina Viner. As a result of this championship, Soldatova became the world champion in the team, which aroused the admiration of the public and the praise of the coaches.

She is especially famous for her grace and stretch.

The year 2015 for Soldatova was remembered for even more high-profile performances. For an exercise with a sword at the Moscow Grand Prix, Alexandra receives another gold. After which the athlete participates in all World Cup competitions, including the World Cup in Kazan, and from each stage, except Budapest, the champion returns with medals. At the World Championships in Germany, the gymnast received gold in the team competition, and also became a silver medalist for her performance with the ball and won silver for her performance with clubs.

Victories of Alexandra Soldatova in the 2016-2017 season

The 2016 season brings Soldatova new victories. At the beginning of 2016, Alexandra won the all-around at the first stage of the Grand Prix in Moscow, and also earned three more medals. At the second stage, Alexandra wins two more “highest standard” awards, and also becomes a silver medalist in the finals of the hoop exercises. At the World Cup in Finland, he wins the all-around and 3 more awards. The second stage of the World Cup took place in Portugal, Alexandra brought two awards. At the same time, Alexandra brought four “silver” pieces from Uzbekistan and Belarus. At the Spanish Cup, Soldatova became a winner in all types of exercises.

In 2017, Soldatova conquers more and more heights in rhythmic gymnastics. At the Grand Prix in Russia, Alexandra takes the second step of the podium. Performing in Spain, he earns victory in all types of performances. The World Cup in Italy was marked for Soldatova with the highest level in the all-around, a championship in the hoop exercise final, and two more silver medals. In Pisaro, the athlete took first place performing with a ribbon. At the Super Cup in Azerbaijan, Alexandra won 4 awards: first place in the ball routine and 3 silver awards: for all-around and for exercises with hoop and clubs.

Today Alexandra Soldatova is no longer a young gymnast, but an accomplished adult athlete. Alexandra's new exercises amaze the imagination with their elegance and professionalism. The coaching team and the athlete herself have done a great job that the whole country can be proud of. Everyone expects new performances and new victories from Alexandra.

Personal life

In numerous interviews, Alexandra is asked: how did you achieve such success in sports? And every time the athlete says that there is no secret recipe for success. You just need to work and improve every day.

Yes, innate physical characteristics such as plasticity, stretching and flexibility helped the athlete. The gymnast’s height is 170 cm, while her weight stopped at 44 kg. But there are many more girls with such data than we think, and Alexandra was just one of many. However, today she is already beating the world’s leading athletes and is constantly improving her skills. This happened thanks to the athlete’s iron character and her personal qualities. All her life she differed from her peers in her sense of responsibility, exceptional hard work and determination. Many of Alexandra’s acquaintances believe that she has only one drawback, which in the future may well become her advantage. This drawback is the constant analysis of all the trainer’s settings.

If the athlete had not connected her life with sports, she would have connected it with animals.

Due to her nomadic lifestyle, Sasha cannot afford to buy a pet, however, according to her, if there was such an opportunity, she would collect animals of all kinds. When asked what profession she is interested in, besides a sports career, Sasha answers without hesitation: “I would become a veterinarian...”

In addition to her love for animals, Alexandra is distinguished by her attraction to nature; her favorite pastime is walking in the forest. And if there is no longer enough time or energy for walks, then she happily spends her free minute reading literature.

Alexandra Soldatova is considered one of the most beautiful gymnasts of our time.

The athlete has 350 thousand followers on her Instagram account. According to Sasha, she does not set a goal to get as many likes as possible, she simply talks about what she understands and what she sincerely loves.

The competition in the rhythmic gymnastics team is very strong, but gymnastics is a personal sport and everything depends only on how you work out your program. It was thanks to this that Alexandra developed very warm, friendly relations with her rivals Margarita Mamun and Yana Kudryavtseva in the national team.

The athlete plans to enroll in St. Petersburg State University in the near future. Lesgaft and get a higher education. Alexandra also dreams of having just a little free time to attend a driving school and get a license.

There are many rumors about the athlete’s personal life. Photos of Alexandra spending time with her boyfriend have appeared in the press and news more than once. However, in fact, this is a ruse and it turned out that the paparazzi simply photographed her next to a friend at the “right moment.”

In the future, Alexandra dreams of earning even more awards. The secret of Alexandra Soldatova’s success lies in hard work, determination and, last but not least, absolute trust in the coach. The athlete has been improving all her life. Now Soldatova does not stop there, but continues to work to achieve maximum results.

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Russian gymnast and rhythmic gymnastics champion Alexandra Soldatova was born on June 1, 1998. Despite her young age, the girl has many awards. Alexandra Soldatova has many gold medals in her treasury, competing in all-around and world championships.

Rhythmic gymnastics exercises according to Alexander Soldatov

The gymnast was born in Sterlitamak. The girl first started playing sports in childhood - at the age of five. At that time, Alexandra’s first coach was Olga Nazarova. Before joining the national team, the athlete trained diligently in Dmitrov with Anna Shumilova. Alexandra is known for stretching, flexibility, and also plasticity.

Biography of Alexander Soldatov

Soldatova took part in Japan together with Kanaeva and Kondakova, where they represented the Gazprom club, taking a gold medal in the team event and all-around. In addition, the gymnast won the team all-around in 2012, performing with the ribbon with other gymnasts - Borisova, Kudryavtseva, and Sinitsina.

Already at the beginning of the 2014 season, Alexandra was on the reserve team of the Russian national team. Soldatova’s debut took place during an international tournament that took place in the capital of Russia. Here Sasha won only bronze in the all-around, which she received after the Averin sisters. After that, in March in Hungary, or rather in Debrecen, Sasha won the gold medal in the all-around, thereby ahead of the world vice-champion, who at that time was Anna Rizatdinova.

In addition, at this time Sasha took the leading place and reached the finals in the competition with clubs, ribbon, second, performing in the number with the ball, and third in the number with the hoop. In addition, in the city of Corbeil-Eson, the athlete won second place in the ball event, and in Tashkent - a bronze medal in the all-around.

The most successful and significant events for Alexandra were her performances at international competitions. At the April competitions in Riga, Sasha won 4 gold out of 5 possible, but she made a mistake in performing with the ball and therefore took only 4th place. In the summer, in July, in the Turkish city of Izmir, Sasha won the all-around, performing with a ribbon, and won three silver medals in other events. In August, the gymnast won gold in all her performances in Brazil.

Soldatova’s sports career 2014

During the Russian Championships, which took place in 2014, Alexandra confirmed her place by winning a bronze medal in the all-around. In addition, at that time, the winners of the Russian team, Yana Kudryavtseva, and Margarita Maamun, performed with her.

In the fall, in September, at the final competitions of the World Cup in rhythmic gymnastics, held in Kazan, Sasha performed a number out of competition and was able to score only 70,700 points in the all-around, failing to get ahead of Kudryavtseva, Mamun, and Melitina Stanyuta. Subsequently, following the results of the competition, Irina Winner stated that Alexandra would represent the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team at the world championship together with Kudryavtseva, as well as Margarita Mamun.

Than took place in the Turkish city of Izmir in September 2014. Alexandra took part in the all-around, where she performed two numbers - with a hoop, including a ball, earning 18,050 points in the first performance and 17,675 in the second. According to the results of the competition, Sasha, Kudryavtseva, and Mamun are world champions in the team competition. You can watch Alexandra Soldatova’s rhythmic gymnastics performances in the video that is available online, also online during the live broadcast.

At the beginning of the 2015 season, during the Grand Prix held in Moscow, Alexandra was only able to take fourth place in the individual all-around. Performing in the finals with the ball and clubs, the gymnast won the gold medal with the ball, scoring 18,200 points.

Soldatova’s sports career 2015

Alexandra also participated in all stages of the World Cup. In Portugal she won a gold medal in the all-around, as well as in performances with clubs, a silver medal in performances with a ball, in Bucharest - a gold medal in the number with a ribbon, a silver medal in the number with clubs.

In addition, in Uzbekistan, performing in all-around events with a hoop, ball, and ribbon, Sasha managed to take second place; in Hungary, unfortunately, the gymnast did not receive a single medal, but in the capital of Bulgaria she won for her performance with clubs silver medal

In addition, the network contains performances by Alexandra Soldatova in rhythmic gymnastics and other gymnasts, presented in the form of photos, as well as videos from performances. Speaking in the finals of the World Cup in Kazan, Sasha won third place in the all-around. Performing in separate numbers, Sasha replaced Kudryavtseva, who was unable to perform due to injury, and won a silver medal for all 4 performances.

The 2016 Olympic season began with the Grand Prix tournament series, which took place in the capital of Russia. Speaking this season, Sasha won the all-around, showing herself in three separate numbers in the final. Alexandra was able to win first place in the numbers with a hoop, as well as a ball, and a silver medal for the number with a ribbon.

Soldatova’s sports career 2016

The next second stage of the Grand Prix competition took place in France in Thieu, where the gymnast took a silver medal in individual numbers, in the all-around, and in the final, performing in individual events - a silver medal in the number with a hoop, as well as two gold medals in numbers with a ball and tape.

Alexandra Soldatova is an outstanding athlete who represents rhythmic gymnastics. In fact, her achievements are so high that it is simply impossible to ignore such a personality. Rhythmic gymnastics and Alexandra Soldatova are simply inseparable concepts. Recently, many fans have become interested in the girl’s personality, her successes, and what her hobbies are. Of course, her personal life does not go unnoticed.

Alexandra Sergeevna Soldatova is actively engaged in professional growth and achieves good results in her sport. Of course, rest is important, but most of the time, the girl tries to work on her physical fitness. Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport for young girls, so while there is time, you need to achieve the best results possible. In the future, many hope that Soldatova will be able to become a professional coach.

Alexandra Sergeevna Soldatova was born on June 1, 1998 in Sterlitamak. The girl got into rhythmic gymnastics completely by accident. Alexandra Soldatova’s mother wanted to send her eldest son to the gymnastics section, but upon arriving at the training it turned out that only girls were accepted into this sport. The future athlete’s mother was not at a loss and sent her daughter Alexandra to the section. She was only 5 years old then.

The first coach of the future champion was Olga Nazarova. She immediately noted the girl’s physique suitable for sports, flexibility and stretching. After a short period of time, Alexandra Soldatova began to show her first successes in sports. At that time, the competition was great, and Sasha did not reach the level of those who took first place in international competitions. The girl strove for her dream and for a reason.

Soon the athlete’s family moved to the city of Pushkin, the girl was sent to the local rhythmic gymnastics section. In 2009, as one of the most promising athletes, Alexandra was sent to training camp in Dmitrov. Alexandra Soldatova participated in the “Young Gymnasts” tournament, where she took only 15th place. However, a year later, the athlete returned to the training camp in this city and was noticed by coach Anna Vyacheslavovna Shumilova. This meeting became fateful in the girl’s career; she was able to find a coach who could develop the required skills and talents in her.

First sporting successes

Alexandra Soldatova attracted the eminent coach not only with her excellent athletic training, but also with her unique character qualities. Anna Vyacheslavovna Shumilova often said in her interviews that she understood from the first time that Soldatova was her athlete. In addition to the fact that Alexandra was distinguished by her beautiful appearance, good stretching and flexibility, she was very responsible, decent and purposeful. These are the words the coaching staff used to describe Alexandra Sergeevna Soldatova.

The young athlete at the age of 12 moved to Dmitrov to train under Shumilova. The athlete and the coach became very friendly, it was easy for them to work together. Thus, rhythmic gymnastics means a lot to Alexandra Soldatova.

A professional approach to work, a constant increase in the desire to achieve incredible results, all this is combined in this girl.

Initially, Soldatova was not included in the main team, so she and her coach visited the Novogorsk sports base every day and did training. The athlete trained with girls from the Russian team. Including D. Kondakova, who was also trained by Anna Shumilova.

The first major competition as part of the team was the Moscow Grand Prix. Alexandra Soldatova performed only in demonstration performances. However, even this is considered a great honor for the young athlete. She failed to show anything impressive, but still the coaches and judges saw some potential in her that just needed to be revealed. Alexandra, together with her coach, worked for a very long time to prepare a program that was supposed to bring success.

Next came the Russian Championship, where Soldatova won seventh place. But at the “Young Gymnasts” tournament she managed to significantly improve her result compared to her previous performance and take fifth place. In 2010-2011, Alexandra Soldatova participated in competitions and cups that were held in Israel and Italy. International starts for the young athlete left only vivid and memorable memories. She happily traveled to countries and received prizes.

In 2011, Alexandra Soldatova won her first serious title. At the Russian Championship, she took first place in the overall team competition, ahead of other famous athletes. At the annual “Young Gymnasts” tournament, the girl rose to third position. In addition, Soldatova took first place at the club team championship. At that time, she was already a full-fledged part of the Russian national team. What lay ahead was only success at competitions at various levels.

From season to season, the girl honed her sports skills. Soon her achievements became more outstanding. We can say that today rhythmic gymnastics and Alexandra Soldatova have inseparable meanings. The girl is constantly growing and developing new skills. I also note this from her trainers, who spend a lot of time with her.

Season 2004-2005

At the beginning of the 2014 sports season, Soldatova was part of the reserve team. In the Moscow Grand Prix, she took an honorable third place, behind only the Averin sisters. At that time, for a young girl, this was a significant result, since there were those ahead who simply could not be caught up. Subsequently, the program changed, experience came, and performing became much easier.

At the World Cup in Hungary, Alexandra Soldatova won the highest award in all-around: she received first place for her performance with ribbons and clubs, second place for her performance with the ball, and third place for her performance with the hoop. In addition, in 2014, Alexandra Soldatova was among the winners at cups held in France and Uzbekistan. These achievements were of fundamental importance, since the girl had long dreamed of getting some serious awards.

The performances at the Baltic Hoop tournament were successful. The athlete won 4 top awards out of five possible. She made a mistake only during her performance with the ball; it accidentally fell during the routine, and Soldatova only won 4th place. Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport where any oversight or mistake completely knocks you out of the race for points. Therefore, you need to constantly hone your skills and strive to achieve maximum concentration.

The athlete took third place in the Russian Championship. This result can be considered magnificent, because she only missed out on the stars of rhythmic gymnastics: Margarita Mamun and Yana Kudryavtseva.

Thanks to the success achieved in the 2014 season, Alexandra Soldatova was included in the main team. She was supposed to compete at the World Championships, which took place in Izmir. For a short period of time, Alexandra Soldatova stops training with Anna Shumilova and goes under the leadership of Irina Viner. This was due to the coach's pregnancy. The girl characterizes the legendary coach as a strict and attentive mentor.

Irina Viner noticed that the athlete is excessive, self-critical of herself, and this often interferes with her training. In order to solve this problem, the coaching staff had to resort to the help of sports psychologists. All trainers working with Alexandra Soldatova note her prudence; before each training session, she carefully thinks through all the movements.

In the overall team competition, the Russian team won first place. Thus, in 2014, Alexandra Soldatova became the world champion for the first time as part of the team.

In 2015, at the Moscow Grand Prix, Soldatova took only fourth place. She performed superbly with all gymnastic apparatus except clubs. The athlete could not cope with the fast tempo of the music and made mistakes. Alexandra Soldatova herself claims that performing at Russian tournaments, in particular the Moscow Grand Prix, is always much more difficult. After all, spectators expect the best results from gymnasts. At all other World Cups held in 2015, Soldatova took only prize-winning places.

Victories in the 2016-2017 season

In the new year 2016, she managed to show her best results. The young athlete collected almost all the medals at the competitions in Moscow. For young Soldatova, this was an incredible result that she strived for.

At the World Cup stage in Finland, the athlete again became the best in the all-around. Exercises with clubs brought her gold, with a hoop - silver, and with a ribbon - third. The second stage of the same cup in Portugal was also marked by victories for the talented athlete.

Alexandra Soldatova’s latest sporting achievements include second place at the annual Moscow Grand Prix. The athlete won the award in the all-around. Soldatova was awarded gold for her number with the ball.

Definitely, this young but already titled athlete still has many major victories and achievements ahead. Alexandra Soldatova dreams of winning gold at the Olympics and standing on a par with such champions as Irina Chashchina, Alina Kabaeva, Evgenia Kanaeva, Daria Kandakova.

Personal life

Alexandra Soldatova loves animals very much. As a child, she considered becoming a veterinarian. However, my passion for sports turned out to be stronger. Due to her busy schedule, constant training and training camps, the athlete cannot even afford to have a cat, although she really dreams of one. That is why Alexandra Soldatova’s personal life always remains in the background. The most important thing today is to achieve maximum results in sports.

Alexandra Soldatova prefers to relax in silence, in nature. She likes to ride a bike in the park and go for walks. Rest is especially important during the off-season. The girl happily spends her free time with her parents and goes out into nature. In this case, she always manages to enjoy her trips. Photographs have appeared in the media more than once showing Alexandra Soldatova and her boyfriend, but this is not true. In fact, she was simply photographed with a friend at a convenient moment.

Rhythmic gymnast Alexandra Soldatova has repeatedly won the Grand Prix, becoming the champion of Russia, Europe and the world. Coach - Anna Vyacheslavovna Shumilova.

First steps

On June 1, 1998, one of the most beautiful athletes of our time, Sasha Soldatova, was born in Bashkortostan. The girl started doing rhythmic gymnastics at the age of 5 thanks to an incident: her mother decided to take her older brother Sasha to the gymnastics section, but did not know that there were two different sports: rhythmic and artistic gymnastics. In the end, it turned out that only a girl could be accepted into the section. This is how Sasha’s first training began. Then the family left their native Sterlitamak and moved to the city of Pushkino, Moscow region.

Relatives always supported their future champion; the first payment in the family budget was expenses for gymnastics. Brother Alexey was close to his sister in childhood and today he is aware of all the events in her life. The girl always made decisions about her future in sports herself; her parents did not put pressure on her, which may be why Sasha never deviated from her intended path.

The basics of gymnastics were taught to the girl in a town near Moscow by coaches Irina Viktorovna Kievets and Olga Nikolaevna Nazarova. At the age of 12, the young gymnast came under the tutelage of Anna Vyacheslavovna Shumilova, who by that time raised the famous gymnast, artist Daria Kondakova. It was necessary to train in the city of Dmitrov, and from a young age the child had to live separately from his parents in a boarding school. The girl did not feel sad about parting with her family, because she was doing what she loved.

The promising gymnast was invited to train at the gymnasium, but initially Alexandra was not a member of the national team and therefore did not have the right to permanently live in Novogorsk. Therefore, for a long time, Anna Shumilova and the girl went to Novogorsk early in the morning and Dmitrova went back to Novogorsk late in the evening, spending 4-5 hours a day on the road.

But Alexandra herself does not consider all this to be a difficulty; if there is a goal, then you can be patient. After all, the reward was the opportunity to train together with the best “artists” in the country.

Sports success

Already in 2012, the young gymnast won gold at the European Junior Championships in Nizhny Novgorod in the ribbon exercise and in the team all-around.

In 2014, Sasha was included in the reserve team of our country. The year was very successful for the girl and brought her five gold medals at competitions in Brazil. In the same year, at the championship in Russia, where, according to the gymnast, it is always harder for her to perform, Sasha became third, leaving only the leaders of the national team ahead of her.

And in September of the same year, by the decision of Irina Viner, the gymnast’s most memorable start so far took place; from Izmir, Turkey, the youngest and most inexperienced member of the team brought “gold” in team exercises. But at this time, her beloved coach could not support her; due to the birth of her daughter, Anna Shumilova remained in Moscow. During Anna’s maternity leave, the head coach of the national team, Irina Viner-Usmanova, trained the gymnast.

2015 again brought victory at the Grand Prix stage in Moscow in ball exercises. Then there were starts in Lisbon, Bucharest, Pesaro, Tashkent, Budapest, Sofia and finally the World Cup final in Kazan. Sasha returned without medals only from Budapest.

At the main competition of the year - the World Championships in Stuttgart, the girl took first place in the team championship and received two silver medals for exercises with a ball and clubs.

2016 brought new starts and new medals: 3 awards of the highest standard and one “silver” in Moscow, in Thieu Alexandra won two “golds” and a “silver”, in Expoo she won the all-around, and in certain events she received another “gold” and "bronze". The girl brought 2 medals from Lisbon, and four silver medals from Tashkent and Minsk. In Guadalajara, the athlete won a medal in every appearance on the gymnastics mat. Participation in the Club World Championship brought her another top award and one bronze medal.

New year 2017 and new victories - “gold” for the ball and second place in the all-around at the Grand Prix in Moscow.

For the 2017 season, Alexandra has a new program based on classical melodies. Individual numbers with objects are perceived by the viewer as a single whole. A team of master trainers, choreographers and the gymnast herself have done a huge amount of painstaking work, each element hits the right note. Let's hope that the new program will bring good luck to the girl. Alexandra is no longer a little girl, but an adult, an accomplished gymnast.

Personal life

What distinguishes this girl from many others who begin rhythmic gymnastics in early childhood? Undoubtedly, these are physical characteristics: flexibility, plasticity, musicality, amazing stretching. With a height of 170 cm, the girl’s weight is only 44 kg. But there are many of them, and Alexandra became a champion, the leading athlete of the national team. She has those qualities that many people lack: phenomenal hard work and the ability to ignore temporary inconveniences, and most importantly, the ability to listen and understand the coach’s instructions. And also a huge sense of responsibility, which distinguishes the girl from many of her peers.

The athlete also has a drawback, which may become her advantage after the end of her sports career. Sasha, before implementing a new coach’s setting, always analyzes it, as if she were going through it in her head on a small computer. In gymnastics, this interferes and the girl struggles with her only, according to the coach, shortcoming.

Sasha loves animals very much, and if she weren’t interested in sports, she would definitely become a veterinarian. Due to constant travel, Sasha cannot afford to keep a pet, but if such an opportunity arose, she would buy everything from a bird to a puppy. She is very attracted to nature; if she has free time, then of all the possible entertainments she will choose just a walk with friends in the forest.

If it is not possible to go for a walk, Sasha will happily sit with a book. Sasha developed warm relationships with teammates Margarita Mamun and Yana Kudryavtseva, which does not often happen in the beautiful but cruel world of rhythmic gymnastics.

Sasha conquered almost all the peaks, she became a two-time world champion, two-time European champion, Russian champion. Alexandra’s unfulfilled dream so far remains only victory at the Olympic Games. Let's hope it's only for now. After all, the main principle of a gymnast is to improve from training to training, from one start to another. And Sasha Soldatova in rhythmic gymnastics tries to constantly improve her skills, mastering new complex spectacular elements, following world trends in this sport.

Alexandra plans to obtain higher education at the St. Petersburg State University of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft.

Another dream of Sasha’s is that as soon as the time comes, he will go to a driving school and get a license. The feeling of speed fascinates the athlete.

The most beautiful gymnast in the world: Alexandra Soldatova

The beauty, who is called the “new Alina Kabaeva,” is a network star

The whole world is talking about the Russian beauty Alexandra Soldatova today - the girl is called “the most beautiful athlete in the world.” After Soldatova won the gold medal in the ribbon exercise at the World Championships in Sofia a month ago, the Russian became a real star in the West.

What is known about the “new Alina Kabaeva”, as the media call her?

Alexandra Soldatova is 20 years old and a member of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team. The girl was born in the Republic of Bashkortostan and got into the world of sports when she was only 5 years old. After some time, Alexandra and her family moved to Pushkino (Moscow region). Soldatova’s first coach was Olga Nazarova, then the athlete trained at the Novogorsk training center.

Sasha's first serious victory was the victory in the team all-around at the European Championships in 2012 - where Soldatova took first place. Then the gymnast took part in the championship in Brazil, joining the reserve team of the Russian national team. There she won 5 gold medals! After this, victories followed one after another, and already this year Soldatova became the world champion in the ribbon exercise at the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Sofia.

Talent and willpower are not her only virtues. Soldatova is called the most beautiful gymnast in Russia: her beauty and sporting successes are admired by 326 thousand followers on Instagram. The first contracts arrived - the Under Armor brand has already made her the face of its products.

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