3rd lunar day is your yoga. Lunar day online

It is now the 18th lunar day.

18th lunar day. Moon in the sign of Aries 3°16". Strength of the Moon: weak - Micro Moon. The lunar day began on Sunday, August 18, 2019 at 21:18 and will end on Monday, August 19, 2019 at 21:32. Sunset at 09:01. Moonrise at 21:32. Moon coordinates: azimuth = 165.1°, altitude = 30.0°. Brightness = 90%. Distance from Earth to Moon = 405284 km. The nearest new moon will be on Friday, August 30, 2019 at 13:37. The nearest full moon will be on Saturday September 14, 2019 at 07:33.

Characteristics of the lunar day

18 Lunar day.

Symbols: asp, mirror, baboon.
- Stones: white agate, opal.

Associated with the transition from Libra to Scorpio. This is a dangerous day. Associated with the asp. It is not recommended to independently engage in any serious practices other than strengthening the physical body. This is the best day for fasting - you need to start with a light meal a day or two in advance, do not eat any carrion, not even fish. Then take a laxative such as Carlsbad salt and do an enema to cleanse the intestines. Continue cleaning the next morning.

People born on this day are contraindicated from doing anything serious on their own, because they must overcome the adder and pride within themselves, and then they will be able to “judge their people,” i.e. rise spiritually. Then they will be able to refuse this (“judge not, lest ye be judged”), but this is already a higher level, the kingdom of Vohumana. Many of their insights are false. They must find their true teacher in order to rise spiritually.

Dreams and the Moon: 18th lunar day. Items and things dreamed of on this day will soon be purchased in reality. Good dreams foretell profit and successful renovations.

The day is associated with imitation and facial expressions. The surrounding reality on this day is, as it were, a mirror reflection of our inner essence, our thoughts and actions.

This day is primarily associated with partner contacts and manifestation in society. This day opens our eyes to how we communicate and how we are perceived by our surroundings.

This is a day of healing, a day of protector, justice and help. Turn to spiritual practices - and on this day your third eye may open.

Try to communicate with nature on this day and observe what is happening around you with animals and flora. If it is summer, then it will be useful to swim in a clean pond or go to a Russian bathhouse.

Chronic diseases may worsen on this day. It is useful to cleanse the intestines, and it is also recommended to fast. It is not recommended to eat animal food. Use tobacco and alcohol. The appendix and large intestine become vulnerable. In addition, depression and fears may increase.

Happier than the first one. Children born on this day can be very hardworking. Those who enroll on this day are successful. This day is happy for the acquisition of livestock, especially horses and pigs. You should not buy birds on this day. Anyone who opens a trade on this day will burn out. The one who falls in love will be unhappy, marriages are happier on this day, treasure hunters consider this day one of the best. Fishermen call this day “catch day” because a lot of fish are caught. Dreams on this day are good and come true. Players are especially unlucky on this day.

Haircut on the 18th lunar day of the Tibetan lunar calendar: Loss of property and livestock (In Tibetan: nor stong).

Additional Information

The first half is disharmonious and fraught with the emergence of aggressiveness and the emergence of unexpected problems, as if “out of nowhere.” Business connections and contacts may be difficult, and narcissism, vanity and selfishness can alienate reliable partners, bosses or colleagues. The second half of the lunar day is more favorable and allows you to resolve emerging problems through negotiations, as well as as a result of the emergence of new plans or thoughts. Diplomatic communication at this time is very effective, and seemingly impossible problems can be solved.

The day is quite happy. Dreams come true. The children born are hardworking and rich (get rich).

The 18th lunar day should be considered as a kind of lesson intended exclusively for you, and your future life will depend on how accurately and quickly you learn it. In other words, if you hang the bookshelf poorly again, it will collapse again in the near future, and the consequences will be much more unpleasant. Figuratively speaking, today they are “hinting” you, and if the “hint” is not understood, tomorrow you will be punished in full. Show maximum observation and intelligence on this day! Tibetan astrologers consider the 18th lunar day to be a very dangerous period. They strongly recommend refraining from holding funeral ceremonies, rituals and commemorations. In general, this is a rather passive time: active actions are allowed, but not recommended. It is better to react according to circumstances, show spontaneity and flexibility. If the situation requires your intervention, do it, but do not take the initiative yourself. Under no circumstances try to show arrogance and self-centeredness on this day: the consequences may be too unpleasant. You may lose your authority, your job, the respect of others, or quarrel with someone. Show tolerance and generosity; Remember that almost everyone is a little “out of their mind” on this day. Be careful not to become a scandal starter. Remember: everything that happens to you is the unfolding of your inner world outward. The reason for failure lies not in others, but in your incorrect perception of reality. Change your consciousness and the world around you will change. If you think you are living in hell, realize that this hell is in your soul. Listen carefully to what they say about you. Analyze the words spoken to you, but do not take them as a guide to action. Herbal teas with the addition of turmeric and cinnamon are very useful during this period. Close attention should be paid to the condition of the skin - conduct light massage sessions using oils or sandalwood paste. In addition, this is a favorable time for applying masks, lotions, compresses and taking herbal baths. If on the eighteenth lunar day you are at sea or working in an open area, be careful; skin that is very sensitive during this period can easily get burned from direct sunlight. Try to stay in the shade more or use a special cream.

Characteristic: the day of “dead” water, gathering together all the fragments, pieces of a single whole. The day of great detectives and restorers, capable of seeing the root cause, the fundamental principle in fragments of consequences. The principle of “dead” water is to reverse the flow of time from the future to the past, from consequences to causes. This retrospective analysis reveals who fits into the natural process of evolution and what falls out of it like sediment. This sediment is Evil, no matter what masks it wears. The day is difficult, if only because we are developing in a different time stream: from the past to the future. Inverse problems are much more difficult to solve. Unlike the previous day, which was illogical in principle, this day is a day of clear logic, the famous deductive method. After all, the past has already happened, and with a sufficient number of necessary facts, a general pattern can be identified. But this pattern cannot be considered outside the context of the general evolution of the world, otherwise we will become like a monkey imitating a man.

Heroes of the day - Alice through the Looking Glass, Gerda and Kai from The Snow Queen. Gerda symbolizes the 17th day, and Kai symbolizes the 18th; together they were able to form the word “eternity.” On the physical plane, the day is associated with the bladder. In principle, urea has healing properties. The Avestan books describe purification rituals with bull urine, but this implies an alchemical preparation. The ancients nevertheless proceeded from a common thought: what comes out of the body cannot be reused. Modern urine therapy imitates ancient tradition too literally. Practice of the day - retroanalysis.

Symbolic correspondence: 25th degree of Libra - 6th degree of Scorpio.

Anatomical correspondence: kidneys.

Action: cleansing.

Titles: Hanuman, mirror, ice.

The symbol is a mirror, ice, a monkey, the image of the sacred Egyptian baboon, which was dedicated to Anubis; Hanuman, the noble leader of the monkeys in the Indian epic, is also related here. The day is passive, for some people it is difficult, since it can also become the day of the Fall. A person who does not want to fight his base instincts is overcome by nightmares and seduction; secret obstacles appear - it seems that they are trying to lead you astray.

Social influence: Dangerous. The feeling of subordination, one’s own and others’ imperfection intensifies. Any mood has a strong effect. Good for those with acting talent.

Household influence: Slightly unfavorable. Bad for marriage. Good for travel. Mystical influence: Day of deception, intrigue, fraud. It is necessary to practice purification of the body and mind. Mimicry, imitation, the ability to transform and change images are strong on this day. Don't plan, don't label.
The day is associated with imitation, mimicry, and passively following other people's thoughts. Everyone needs to work with their bad and unclean thoughts; Developing an objective view of the world, try to see yourself from the outside, give up illusions, base instincts. What happens on the eighteenth day can be illustrated by the following image: the surrounding reality is, as it were, a mirror reflection of our inner essence, our thoughts and actions. Each of us deserves his own mirror: one is crooked, the other is smooth and clean, the third feels as if a mirror shard has gotten into his eye, so he sees everything in a distorted image. In a word, the mirror shows us on these lunar days what we have achieved.
On this day, everyone needs to renounce vanity and selfishness. Drinking and smoking are contraindicated; it is useful to cleanse the intestines; Many spiritual teachers have recommended fasting.

In medical terms, you should pay attention to the kidneys: they weaken on this day. On this day, skin diseases may appear, secret wounds may open (you must be very careful with any diagnosis and treatment). If something like this happened, it means that the person violated the law of cosmic evolution. It is recommended to cleanse the skin, massages, ablution, rejuvenation, baths with good steam, sleep less - otherwise you can get up in a broken state. It is undesirable to eat meat - better nuts, more vegetable oil (including as a rub during massage).

On this day people are born with acting talent, mainly comedy; taking everything to the point of absurdity, they see the world upside down. These are people “without a core” who can imagine themselves to be the crown of creation - and then their path will be pitiful and low: they can reach complete cynicism and destruction. Often they become entangled in their illusions and begin to spare neither the right nor the wrong.
Tall people, i.e. individuals walking along the high path are a type of pure mirror; the mystery of Hanuman, whose task is to serve the high idea, can be played on them; These are creative personalities, capable of self-sacrifice and heroic deeds, while at the same time they can remain modest and unnoticed; healers.
Effect on conception: A child conceived on this day may not be healthy, but wealth awaits him. He will be smart and hardworking. Such people are respected by others. The main thing is not to give him the opportunity to consider himself an absolute, otherwise the collapse of illusions and loneliness will await him in the future.

Meditations: theater.

Signatures: white agate, opal, amethyst, spinel.

Stones - white agate, opal, lilac amethyst, spinel.

Sometimes you can see disagreements in some places in the descriptions of lunar days. For example, in one place it may be written that today’s dreams portend joy, and below it may be written that you need to treat them as something unimportant. Information was taken from various sources. This is a look from different angles. So just keep both options in mind. It is much better if you reassure yourself with one solution and do not know about the other (hidden) one.

– a special system for calculating time, based on the transit of the Earth’s natural satellite (that is, a system that tracks the movement of the Moon across the sky). Since the night luminary directly influences the vital processes occurring on our planet, the lunar calendar of your yoga is also a kind of “parting word” for people regarding plans, actions, and deeds. So, a few examples of what you can and cannot do, according to the “special” calendar...

The first lunar day is the optimal day to start developing a strategy for the entire month. Interpreters of the Moon do not recommend showing actual activity in endeavors, since there is an arrhythmia of mental energy.

The fifth lunar day is the day of “astral incineration of food.” On this day, Eastern yogis usually go to the market and buy their favorite delicacies, after which, of course, they eat them. They are confident that this method can level out the imbalance of microelements in the body.

The tenth lunar day is the day of loading karmic memory. Understanding the past and knowing the future through meditation - this is the yoga of this day according to the lunar calendar.

The fifteenth lunar day is the black day of the Tempter (the day of struggle against carnal temptations).

The twentieth lunar day is the day of Jupiter’s power and the time of enlightenment.

The 25th lunar day is the day of levitation and telekinesis. It is believed that yogis who develop clairvoyance spontaneously activate superhuman abilities throughout the day.

The 30th lunar day is the day of the “wandering moon”. In the calendar, this is the date of summing up and parting with the “old”, that is, with the past.


Symbol: leopard, leopard

Stones: pyrite, jaspilite, ruby, aventurine, carnelian

The 3rd lunar day is a time of active action. It is recommended to get up early so as not to miss this day and do as many useful things as possible. Two days passed after the new moon, and the crescent of the new moon first appeared in the sky, which indicates that the time has come to act.

The 3rd lunar day is very energetic. This is the day of Mars, the day of the warrior. There is already enough energy to take on any job. If in, dreamed, in, laid the foundation for upcoming events, then the third lunar day is the day of turning the dream into reality. What was inside begins to sprout and manifest itself in the material plane. Sensitive people are in the air, and even some aggressiveness. This state is similar to what in nature is called “the calm before the storm.”

Being passive on the 3rd lunar day is dangerous to your health. If energy is not realized externally to accomplish some task, then it begins to act from the inside, destroying the body. The third lunar day is a day of will, risk, pressure, bold decisive actions. Goethe’s phrase “Wanting is not enough, you must act” is very suitable for this day.

The 3rd lunar day can be dangerous for indecisive, passive, melancholic people. All their unrealized energy will burst out in the form of causeless quarrels, swearing, claims out of nowhere, resentment and dissatisfaction with the entire world around them. But the most destructive energy of the third lunar day is fear. It easily destroys both physical and mental health.

All undertakings of the 3rd lunar day carry elements of risk, and they can only be carried out when you have no doubts about the correctness of what you are doing. Any thought that carries uncertainty can destroy everything that you have created for so long. The third lunar day brings changes for the better, but only a strong-willed, purposeful person who is optimistic about the future can get a “start in life.”

On the 3rd lunar day, you can safely go to your boss or other superior person, on whom the implementation of your plans depends, you can openly publish your ideas, ask for sponsorship. Success will come to those who are ready for unexpected turns of fate.

The main task of the third lunar day is to learn to master your power, given by nature to every person.

On the 3rd lunar day, you begin to notice how gradually what you started or conceived takes shape. If some thought has been bothering you, today it may finally take shape. If you've been waiting a long time for the fruits of your efforts to appear, today may please you. On the third lunar day, our mind is especially clear and precise. Insights and discoveries may appear, and a way to solve a long-standing problem can easily be found.

The third lunar day is a day of high performance; you can accidentally meet the right person and make a useful acquaintance. If you are offered something during this period, you may not agree immediately, but be sure to think about the offer. It can be very profitable.

It is worth noting that on the third lunar day a lot of aggression, claims and deceit manifest themselves. As stated above, this is how unrealized energy breaks out. Therefore, carefully communicate with people and extinguish all manifestations of this negativity, both in yourself and in others. Avoid communicating with pushy people, they can drag you into a scandal. In esoteric teachings, spilled oil is considered a bad sign on the third lunar day. This means that you have gone down a “slippery slope” and have turned away from your “true path.” Pain and aching in the back of your head indicate that you have not worked through your negative emotions and thoughts.

It is very good to go on long journeys and long trips on the 3rd lunar day. The power of the Moon will help you all the way.

The third lunar day is a day of activity and increased performance, therefore, physical education classes, mental and physical labor on this day will come in handy. A wonderful day for martial arts and strenuous exercise. You can practice yoga, karate and judo. Wushu and qigong practices will also be appropriate. In addition, it is very good to do water procedures on the 3rd lunar day, take a steam bath. If it just so happens that you have nothing special to do on this day, be sure to come up with an activity for yourself, go to the store, help a neighbor. With all this, it should be borne in mind that the third lunar day is somewhat aggressive. You should always be on guard so as not to “break the woods,” but if you fall into the “stream”, then things will go relatively smoothly for you all month.

If a person has very little vital energy (it’s hard to earn money, business isn’t going well, relationships aren’t going well), then the 3rd lunar day is a great time to accumulate energy, which gives mental and physical capabilities. There are many esoteric techniques dedicated to this, in particular, communication with living nature. Go to the forest, breathe in the fresh air, communicate with the trees (in ancient times, people knew about the magical giant power of trees and even worshiped them); if this is not possible, then at least go out to the garden, or, as a last resort, communicate with an indoor flower.

Let's take a closer look at the influence of the 3rd lunar day on our lives.


On the 3rd lunar day, you should show good feelings and not cling to words. On this day there is often a desire to sort things out. Try not to get irritated with your loved ones and your loved one, even if, in your opinion, they deserve it a thousand times over. Don’t start arguments and quarrels, don’t say bad words to anyone (and if possible, don’t even think bad). This is especially true for women. Your man may come home from work somewhat aggressive, tired, and your complaints and reproaches will only aggravate the situation. Remember: a man can hear complaints, swearing, dissatisfaction from anyone, but he wants affection, tenderness and care from the woman he loves. Otherwise, she may either cease to be loved, or simply not become it.


On the 3rd lunar day, you can begin building a house; it is also good to start building a well and other round structures. As for matters inside the house, on the third lunar day everything that involves a heavy load is successful. Today you can do everything that you should have given up on the first lunar day.


The third lunar day is ideal for saying goodbye to bad habits. Quitting smoking on this day will be much easier than on other days of the lunar month.

Diseases that arise on the 3rd lunar day manifest themselves sharply and can last quite a long time, but the symptoms are very clear and unambiguous, and therefore it is not difficult to make a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. The ears, throat, and back of the head are especially sensitive. Treatment of these organs is strictly contraindicated. If you are bothered by pain in the ears and back of the head, this is a signal from the body that it is time to cleanse the bones and joints. The third lunar day is suitable for physical activity and martial arts (from martial arts to boxing). If possible, you should visit a sauna or steam room today.


On the 3rd lunar day, it is worth implementing risky projects. “He who doesn’t take risks doesn’t drink champagne” - this phrase can easily be attributed to the 3rd lunar day. But don't make decisions out of fear. If your business partners tell you: “today or never,” take your time, think it over. You are more likely to win if you say you are willing to consider the offer and sign the papers tomorrow.

In your work you need to show determination and perseverance, otherwise you risk getting into trouble. The third lunar day is literally oversaturated with energy, and in business you are truly capable of demonstrating the most fighting qualities. The only problem is that other people have the same militant attitude. No one intends to give up positions or make concessions. On this day, the boss, clients, and partners will not be in a good mood.

It is better to postpone resolving financial issues on the third lunar day. There may be monetary losses today, so be careful.

The day is very energy-intensive, when sensitive people literally feel tension in the air, similar to the calm of nature before a thunderstorm. The day of freedom, struggle and risk, pressure and pressure. Apparently, this is what Goethe had in mind when he argued that “wanting is not enough, you must act.”

General characteristics of the third lunar day


A very difficult day for passive people.

If you are not busy with anything, then the energy of the day will inevitably result in irritability and nitpicking over trifles, and from here it is not far to causeless quarrels and conflicts with others.

The most destructive emotion of the third lunar day is fear. It destroys both physical health and psyche.

So try not to be afraid of anything and at the same time avoid aggressive intentions towards other people, even in your thoughts.

The most sensitive are the neck, back of the head, and hearing organs. The pineal gland and nervous system are also vulnerable.

A sudden deterioration in well-being may occur - slagging of the body will appear.

It is imperative to control negative emotions and thoughts, not to allow them to develop and transform into negative actions and deeds.

If you don’t do this, the back of your head, neck, and ears will hurt. Illnesses that arise on this day can be acute, and recovery will be difficult.

The day is good for intense physical activity and wellness treatments.

Plan a trip to the sauna and take a good steam bath.

It is undesirable to get married, draw up and sign wills, engage in scientific and research work, and enter into contracts.

Symbol of the day:


Leopard or leopard preparing to jump. From this day neomenia (new moon) begins, a crescent moon appears in the sky (the days of Hecate are over).

Conception on the 3rd lunar day

A child conceived on the 3rd lunar day has every chance of becoming a real warrior. This can manifest itself on different levels of life - both in the craving for martial arts or boxing, and in the desire to change the world around us.

The passion and activity that possesses a person conceived on this day can also manifest itself in his rejection of authority, hooliganism and mischief.

It is best to send children conceived on the 3rd lunar day to sports clubs, where their irrepressible energy will find a way out. In addition, they can achieve good results in the sports field.

Born on the 3rd lunar day


Children born on the third lunar day, if they are not influenced by the strong planets Jupiter and Venus, are often born sickly.

A person born on this day is often sickly and, moreover, under the influence of malefic planets, is not distinguished by longevity. He needs to pay more attention to his health and exercise.

He must learn to control astral energies and treat them consciously. If he allows himself not to restrain himself and shows vindictiveness, he thereby aggravates his own karma.

On this day, the body had already returned to normal after the stress of the new moon and began to absorb a large amount of energy: the process of “inhalation” began.

Under no circumstances should this energy be allowed to stagnate: we must immediately begin to “accelerate” it through intense physical activity.

On this day, our body is like a leopard preparing to jump: every muscle tenses and begins to vibrate under the pressure of increasing energy.

If this energy is not released, it can result in aggression towards other people or towards oneself, which leads to causeless conflicts, various self-destructive actions or illness.

To get through this day without problems, be as active as possible and give yourself a challenge. Such a load can be physical work in the fresh air, physical education and sports, or a bath.

Health on the third lunar day


A wonderful day for martial arts and strenuous exercise. You can practice yoga, karate and judo.

Wushu and qigong practices will also be appropriate. The main thing today is to learn to master your power, given by nature to every person.

Diseases of the day manifest themselves sharply, the symptoms are very clear and unambiguous, and therefore it is not difficult to make a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

You can receive treatment either in a regular clinic or with the help of psychics. It is very useful to take a steam bath today.

There is no better day to say goodbye to bad habits.

Spilled oil is a bad sign. This means that you have gone down a “slippery slope” and have turned away from your “true path.”

Pain and aching in the back of your head indicate that you have not worked through your negative emotions and thoughts.

Diet and nutrition on the third lunar day

class="naz_lkal"> On these lunar days, it is good to eat dishes with a lot of hot spices (chili, black pepper, ginger, cloves, mustard, horseradish, garlic, asafoetida, basil, cinnamon and the like), and you can also for the first time during the lunar month, include meat dishes in your diet.

Moreover, the meat of “active” animals, for example, sheep, is preferable, but in no case beef (the meat of a “slow” animal).

With bird meat on the third lunar day, the situation is like this: if you feel the need for it, eat, and if not, it is wiser to abstain from it.

Due to the fact that this lunar period is a time of active actions, the implementation of any cleansing practices is strictly prohibited, since in order to perform them the body must be in a certain sedative state, while during this period it, on the contrary, is excessive (in some sense, even hysterical), active.

Prohibition: hot spices; meat.

Haircuts and hairstyles on the third lunar day


A haircut

Will bring you abundance!

For most people, cutting their hair on this day promises a beneficial renewal of their own energy potential.

The initial adjustment of the hair antennas has occurred, and now their activity can be stimulated.

Cutting your split ends will make your hair more receptive to subtle akashic signals; If you get a new haircut, it’s great: your hair will begin to download important information for you with renewed energy.

Even shaving your head on this day will provide you with an invaluable service: by removing all your hair, you will radically update your main antenna fleet, which will have a positive effect on noise immunity.

As a result, you will get excellent health, high self-esteem, high spirits, and a feeling of limitless possibilities. You can realize your potential in any field.

Whatever you undertake, everything will work out and delight you with quick, comprehensive results.

If you intend to start a wellness program, are starting a renovation, opening a new business or a new project, get your hair cut on the second lunar day.

If a haircut is not part of your plans, cut off at least a symbolic few hairs right in the morning.

After the current haircut, the hair will grow thicker and stronger.

Hair coloring

Let's go for a career breakthrough!

Anyone who radically changes their hair color on this day will surprise those around them and attract the positive influence of their superiors. This will be even worse if the coloring complements the haircut.

In this case, you are simply doomed to a career breakthrough. The promotion may be significant or insignificant, but its echoes in the future will bring excellent results.

If you have no desire to dye your hair, but want to make a career, in the morning, rub beetroot juice (or a mixture of beetroot and carrot) into the roots of your hair for half an hour, then rinse without soap, dry your hair with a soft towel.

Do not bleach your hair on this day! Synthetic dyes can be used, but be as gentle as possible.

What to do with your hair

We attract the energy of nature with spontaneity and spontaneity.

On this day, no matter what hairstyle you decide to do, it will certainly fall apart, curls will develop, straightened curls will curl again, braids will unravel on their own, hairstyles, even those fixed with strong varnish, will become disheveled.

Nature takes its toll: she stirs and tunes the hair antennas in her own way so that they are especially sensitive to the slightest fluctuations in energy.

Therefore, there is no point in depicting something complex on the head. The simpler the better.

Keep in mind: the more you try to maintain your hairstyle today, the more of your emotions and time you will waste. Avoid styling and hairstyles.

Let the wind play with your hair. Today the bird of luck will make a nest in them.

For what activities is the 3rd lunar day favorable?


Business and work on the third lunar day

The third lunar day is good for productive, intellectual work. Health reserves are limited, but are replenished from vigorous activity.

All undertakings of the third lunar day carry elements of risk, and they can only be carried out when you have no doubts about the correctness of what you are doing.

As in the wonderful “Motorist’s Memo”: “If you’re not sure, don’t overtake.”

This is the best day to make your ideas public, especially to your superiors, who are responsible for giving the implementation of your ideas the “green light” and a “way into the future”, a day of freedom and the foundation of new things, but only for those who are not afraid of change and ready for unexpected turns of fate.

Success comes to those who do not let go of the oars in the fast and winding stream of life, and the appearance of rapids is greeted not with fear, but with the joy of having the opportunity to show their “valid prowess.”

On this day you can promote risky projects and generally work with risks. “He who does not take risks does not drink champagne,” it is said about the third lunar day.

If they are trying to scare you today, do not act under the influence of fear.

Even if a business partner offers you extremely favorable conditions, but at the same time puts forward an ultimatum (“Either enter into an agreement today, or we will sell the goods to our other client”), answer that you are ready to consider this offer and sign the papers, but tomorrow.

And you will surely win. If you find it difficult to resist pressure, remember Byron, who argued that “Doubt is the refracting prism of great truths.”

Personal life on the third lunar day

Try not to get annoyed once again with your loved ones and your partner, even if, in your opinion, they deserve it a thousand times over.

Don’t start arguments and quarrels, don’t say bad words to anyone (and if possible, don’t even think bad).

Esotericism on the third lunar day

Dreams are most often empty; only those that are vivid, memorable, and related to overcoming obstacles have meaning.

Those born on the third lunar day need to learn to master their strength and energy; it is not without reason that ancient treatises say that warriors and magicians are born on this day.

First of all, this concerns the astral army, whose purpose is to protect good and uphold justice.

To prepare yourself for this high mission, you must first free yourself from suspicion and aggressiveness, take control of your thoughts and emotions and not allow negativity in them.

Gardening on the third lunar day

The influence of the 4th lunar day will bring peace and harmony into our lives. That's because it's time to relax, take a breath and pay attention to the signs around you. This day is very significant, since the Spring Equinox and Astrological New Year will occur on March 20, 2018.

The Sun moves into the active sign of Aries, but the Moon in earthy Taurus slightly balances the fiery energies and helps us cope with our emotions.

The lunar calendar for March 20, 2018 predicts a time of love, passion and romance, as the Moon in Taurus makes people more tender and passionate. This day is suitable for love and dating.

Also on March 20, 2018, you can start new long-term businesses and lay the foundation for new projects. This is a very favorable time for work.

Moon phase March 20, 2018

Young Moon, 1st Moon phase, Moon visibility 9%

4 lunar days in the Lunar calendar

Symbols of the day: Tree of knowledge

Goal of the day: make the right choice, notice the signs of the Universe, receive important information, relax and be in a calm, harmonious environment.

Bookmark thoughts: I listen to the voice of my heart and pay attention to the signs of the Universe. My life is harmonious and pleasant.

The 4th lunar day is the day of choosing between good and evil. Today, every situation is given to you so that you can make a choice, and therefore you need to be careful and think about your every step. Today's actions, as well as the actions of previous lunar days, influence the future picture of the lunar month and the whole year.

On the 4th lunar day, intuition and the power of thinking become more intense. It is important to remember your family and turn to your ancestors for help so that they can suggest the right path. The 4th day of the Moon is associated with the Family, and its symbol is the Tree of Knowledge.

You need to continue to move towards your goals, and this day should be devoted more to thinking and working with information. The 4th lunar day is a calm and harmonious period, it is intended for rest after the active previous lunar day.

Today, continuing to move according to the plan, you can see the first results of your work and analyze the correctness of the chosen path. If you act at the behest of your heart, then it will be easy for you to join the rhythms of the Universe. The 4th lunar day is a time of rest, information and family. They are not intended for social activity or travel. Spend this day in harmony and tranquility.

The 4th lunar day is intended for:

  • working with information
  • analysis and planning of your activities
  • thoughts
  • have a relaxing time
  • privacy or communication only with close people

Health. Hereditary diseases may appear briefly because this day is associated with ancestors. But you shouldn’t be afraid of them, they will pass quickly. Water treatments and outdoor recreation are useful.

Food: What is more important today is not the food itself, but the atmosphere during dinner. It is best if it is a small but festive family feast.

On the 4th lunar day, it is especially important to pay attention to the respiratory organs. Singing is very useful. The vibrations that pass through the respiratory tract have a strong, healing effect.

Moon in Taurus in the Lunar Calendar

Planets: Venus, Moon

Element: Earth

The Moon in Taurus is a time of returning to earthiness and materiality. People are becoming more concerned about their finances and material possessions. Everyone is now interested in comfort in life and pleasure.

During the Moon in Taurus, laziness and passivity can overcome; now such qualities as slowness, perseverance, practicality, hard work, and realism are enhanced. This is a time of accumulation, as a rule, now the appetite and desire to acquire something increases.

Purchases made during the Moon in Taurus period are of good quality and will last a long time. Emotionally, everyone is now more balanced and calm than on other days.

Job: Financial transactions are successful. But you shouldn’t take risks during this period. You can sign agreements and contracts. Now it is recommended to lay the foundation for important things. The work shows practicality and patience. It is favorable to hire new people. This is a good time for investing and working with banks. You can also now start renting out real estate.

Relationship: The Moon in Taurus activates feminine energy, so now is feminine time. In a love relationship, passion and tenderness intensify, and a greater depth of feelings and experiences appears. Women especially pay attention to beauty at this time and look great. A very favorable time for dating.

Health: During the Moon in Taurus, appetite increases, people eat more than they need. Try to stick to the norm. But now is not the right time for a diet. The neck and throat are vulnerable. If possible, it is better not to have surgery on these parts of the body at this time. But you can treat the genitals and all organs in the lower abdomen.

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