Mom's Maxim hockey player personal life. Maxim Mamin: I will strive to get into the first links of CSKA

There is no doubt that this sport is the most masculine. The very word “hockey” gives me goosebumps. The image of a strong, brave and invincible man immediately appears in my head. It is worth noting that hockey players are some of the sexiest men in the world, and it is difficult to argue with this, because hockey is a very traumatic sport, and scars, as you know, adorn men. We have collected the most attractive hockey players in Russia for you! Of course, not everyone; the second part of this fascinating rating awaits us. We hope you find it interesting, because some of these beauties are still available...

forward of the CSKA hockey club, 26 years old

This red-haired handsome man broke more than one girl's heart. Charming, talented and very well-mannered. In addition to hockey, the athlete loves wakeboarding and supports the football club Real Madrid.

Dima has a girlfriend - a singer Alesya Visich(30), whom he was introduced to by mutual friends. They have been dating for about a year.

forward of the CSKA hockey club, 28 years old

Hockey club player CSKA Igor Makarov makes a successful career in Russia.

His main muse and fan is his beloved wife, a famous TV presenter (44). In summer 2013 years, the lovers played a magnificent wedding.

forward of the SKA hockey club, 32 years old

Even if you don’t watch hockey, you probably still know who . Two-time world hockey champion as a member of the Russian national team and winner of the prestigious Gagarin Cup as part of SKA made a successful career both overseas and in Russia.

He saw his future wife on TV. Spectacular and sexy lead singer of the group "Mirage" Nicole Ambrazaitis(31) won the athlete’s heart from the first seconds. The lovers got married. Nicole and Ilya are raising four children: sons Artema And Philippa, as well as daughters Carolina And Eve.

forward of the CSKA hockey club, 27 years old

He's just at the start of his career. IN 2015 Maxim was recognized as the best rookie of the season in the Kontinental Hockey League. Mamin cannot yet boast of high-profile victories both on the ice and in his personal life. For him, hockey comes first now. The best part is that he is very attractive and is still available.

forward of the Dynamo hockey club, 25 years old

A handsome and sexy athlete with incredible eyes. He managed to play overseas, and today plays for a hockey club "Dynamo". A year ago, there was one less bachelor - Nikita got married! Little is known about his chosen one, but previously the hockey player was credited with an affair with a gymnast Svetlana Gavrilyuk.

Detroit Red Wings forward, 37 years old

Brutal is currently playing overseas. Two-time winner Stanley Cup today one of the brightest and most productive Russian hockey players in NHL. Was married twice.

Pavel met his first girlfriend when he was 18 years old. She gave him a daughter Elizabeth(14). This marriage, alas, broke up.And in 2012 year he met his new love - Maria who bore him a daughter Vasilisa (2).

forward of the Amur hockey club, 24 years old

- a bright guy with gypsy roots. He loves hockey and beautiful girls. Amur tiger plays Khabarovsk. Young, talented, and most importantly, single.

hockey player, 42 years old

Holder Stanley Cup 1994 of the year, Olympic champion 1992 year, one of the strongest hockey players in the world. His awards and titles can be listed endlessly. Alexey loves not only ice, but also the sky. He completed his piloting course and now flies his own plane. The athlete is also actively involved in charity work. Kovalev does not like to talk about his personal life; it is only known that he is married and has two sons.

hockey player, 44 years old

- one of the most beautiful hockey players in Russia, whose posters adorned the walls of many girls in love. Nickname Russian Rocket It was not given to the athlete by chance - it was very difficult to resist this hockey player on the ice. He spent 12 seasons in the National Hockey League, playing for such teams as Vancouver Canucks, Florida Panthers And New York Rangers. Pavel is a ladies' man. For a long time he had a relationship with TV presenter Marika, but it never came to a wedding. People say that Bure dated the daughter of singer Joseph Kobzon, as well as a tennis player Anna Kournikova.

The past season was not easy for Maxim, although the coaching staff Dmitry Kvartalnov trusted the young player: in total, Mamin played in 67 matches in the 2015/16 season (of which 19 were in the playoffs). And then the player, who admitted that before thinking about the NHL, he needed to make a name for himself in Russia, was drafted by the NHL club Florida. In an exclusive interview with Championship, Mamin spoke about the past season, relations within CSKA and plans for the future.

“It was a pleasure to play with Radulov, he is always ready to pass the ball”

- What are the results after last season? In what areas did you succeed or fail to progress?
- I am dissatisfied with last season. This season I will try to play much better.

You were recognized as the best newcomer a year ago. Did this add additional responsibility to last season?
- No, the first season has passed and I’ve already forgotten it.

In fact, it’s rare that you don’t remember that game. Constantly, when the topic comes up about hockey, the seventh match with Metallurg immediately comes to mind. And immediately such sadness... But now the new season will begin, and this will immediately be forgotten.

I try to think about upcoming games.

At the pre-season training camp you were tried out on the same line with Alexander Radulov. What is it like to play in a trio with such a hockey player?
- Everyone on our team had time to play with each other. The coach constantly changed us. Of course, it’s very nice to play with Radulov. He sees the court perfectly and was always ready to pass if I was open.

“Kvartalnov’s technical mistakes are forgiven, the main thing is to give your best”

- Nevertheless, you often play in the first team of CSKA - do you feel Kvartalnov’s trust?
- The question here is rather that the coach promotes those who play stronger. Our coach gives everyone a chance. If you are young, you will have a chance to play and gain a foothold anyway.

- Is he strict? Does he immediately sit on the bench?
- Not really. (Smiles.) Technical errors are forgiven. If there is desire, aspiration and dedication, then some mistakes will be forgiven. The main thing is to give your best.

- What affects you more psychologically? Reaction from fans or coach?
- Of course, the coach. The reaction at the stadium does not interfere at all. When you play at home, the walls help.

- Do you have many acquaintances on KHL teams?
- Almost every team has one or two people.

- Doesn’t such friendship interfere on the ice?
- When you go out on the ice, friendship is forgotten. Don't think - your friend, not your friend. And after the game we can laugh and remember some moments.

- You are one of the youngest players on the team. Does hazing manifest itself in any way?
- No no! We don't have that on our team.

All the guys communicate with each other on equal terms. It doesn’t matter to us whether you are 40 or 20. Of course, we young people have a responsibility to collect the pucks after training. Otherwise, we are all equal.

- Which of your goals this season was most memorable?
- If we talk about my goal, then this, of course, was the goal in the last game with Metallurg. And if we talk about the most important goal for the team, probably in the semi-finals, when they scored against Peter in the fourth match in overtime.

- During the season we managed to play in the VHL. What are your impressions of the games in this league?
- There is a good level of play there, a lot of promising young guys are playing.

“It’s a rare day when I don’t remember the last game with Metallurg”

- What, in your opinion, did CSKA lack in the final against Magnitogorsk? Why did you lose?
- Maybe there was a little bit of luck, luck. We played well in the last game. Consider that we had an advantage. Just bad luck. It was probably difficult psychologically.

Magnetized! “Magnitka” did not allow CSKA to win the Gagarin Cup!

CSKA made over 90 shots, showed a fantastic game in the first 40 minutes, but Magnitogorsk was more accurate and won the second Gagarin Cup!

- How did the team survive this failure? They said there was silence in the locker room...
- Of course, but how else?

Technical errors are forgiven. If there is desire, aspiration and dedication, then some mistakes will be forgiven. The main thing is to give your best.

There was silence in the locker room. After defeats, there is always silence in the locker room - everyone closes in on themselves.

- Did the coach say anything?
- He simply thanked us for the work, for the season.

- Has the wound from the defeat already healed?
- In fact, it’s a rare day when you don’t remember that game. Constantly, when the topic comes up about hockey, the seventh match with Metallurg immediately comes to mind. And immediately such sadness... But now the new season will begin, and this will immediately be forgotten. (Smiles.)

“I didn’t follow the draft - my friends called and congratulated me”

Looking at how your peers are making their way to the NHL, Kucherov, for example, would you like to try yourself overseas?
- I have another year of contract here. And then we'll see.

- That is, if they offer?..
- Well, Florida drafted me.

Rubtsov, Mamin, Golyshev and 14 other Russians selected in the NHL draft

The annual selection of young players took place in North America. We talk about 17 Russians who were drafted into the NHL in 2016.

- Wasn't it a surprise?
- My agent told me that there is interest from some teams there. I didn't follow the draft anyway. Afterwards, my friends called and congratulated me.

- Did you have any contacts with representatives of NHL clubs?
- Yes, I talked to some. In any case, it all depends on how I play this season.

“I want to play in such a way as to help CSKA finally win the Cup”

- Which teammates help you the most?
- Nikita Kvartalny and I communicate well. We always live in hotels together.

- Who is the most comfortable to play with in a line? Do you have any favorite partners?
- I’m telling you, we all change: today with some, tomorrow with others.

All the guys communicate with each other on equal terms. It doesn’t matter to us whether you are 40 or 20. Of course, we young people have a responsibility to collect the pucks after training.

There is no question of comfort here.

- You already have your own fans. Doesn't this interfere with your personal life?
- Yes, there are fans who come up after games and congratulate. On the contrary, it is pleasant. Doesn't interfere with personal life. (Smiles.)

- Does game number 78 mean something? Why him?
- As a child, I always played under number 7. But when he came to CSKA, he was already busy. I took 78. Now I don’t plan to change.

- What would you wish for yourself next season?
- I would like to play in such a way that it will help the team win the Cup at last.

The 20-year-old CSKA forward, together with SE, recalled how the season turned out for him, as a result of which he won gold at the Russian Championship, silver at the World Youth Championship and became the best newcomer in the KHL

- This year has contained so much for you - both happiness and disappointment: a debut in the KHL, silver at the MFM with a painful failure in the final, a championship in CSKA and a 3-0 defeat in the semi-final series with SKA, and finally an award for the best newcomer. Should I congratulate you or not?

I think there is no need to congratulate too much, but it would also be wrong to recognize this season as unsuccessful. I think that for me, my debut year in adult hockey turned out in a positive way. Well, medals, even silver ones, from the World Youth Championship are worth a lot.

- It all started with two youth tournaments in August, then some hockey players were worried that they would spend almost the entire key month of the preseason, when clubs are developing their squads, on the national team. Have you ever had such thoughts?

It seems to me that one does not interfere with the other. Moreover, last summer I was not sure that I would be invited to the main team of CSKA. Therefore, once I was in the national team, I concentrated on solving a specific task: to prove myself to the coaching staff. I really wanted to go to the World Championships.

- It turns out that you shouldn’t have worried. CSKA joined the team from the start of the season.

In fact, upon returning from the national team, they announced to me that I was flying away with the Red Army, but on the morning of the day of departure the situation changed - they said: I’m staying with the main team. I was very glad. Started as the 13th forward. When you can sit on the bench for the entire match or go out on the ice only occasionally, but mostly freeze on the bench.

- And yet, before leaving with the youth team for the November Super Series, we played for the army team in 22 matches...

- ...And gave one pass ( laughs). I tried to act strictly according to the instructions, not to invent anything extra.

- The Super Series started much worse than the first match in the KHL. One of the starting shifts of the first match, hockey player Mamin crashes into the boards and lies motionless, our doctor Alexander Borodin demands a stretcher on the ice, on which they take you away. A terrible picture.

I woke up in an ambulance, I felt a clamp on my neck, as if I had a spinal fracture, and I thought: “Well, that’s it, I’ve arrived.” I try to move, but nothing seems to hurt, and I pass out again. I had to go through some very unpleasant moments; I had to say goodbye to the World Youth Championship. Then the doctor accompanying me said that I was conscious the whole time (Moreover, when Mamin was taken away from the site, he kept raising his head to see how the game continued. - Note P.T.). I myself don’t remember anything at all, the last memory is how I stood on the blue line during the pre-match singing of the anthems. I had to go through some very unpleasant moments. I also made it to the Youth World Championships, but a couple of hours after the examination I already felt more or less normal and even flew with the team from Saskatoon to Brandon at night.

- They say that literally a day later they came to Valery Bragin with a request to bet on the game.

The fact of the matter is that nothing hurt. This was my first concussion, so I didn’t know how the body behaved. But our doctor immediately said: “Calm down, it’s not recommended to even get out of bed for the first ten days.” It was a shame, because I understood that this was the last chance to show myself before the training camp before the start of the World Cup. I was very worried that I wouldn’t be invited.

- You have to understand that these experiences helped open the scoring in the KHL after returning from Canada?

CSKA left me in the main team, although I could not play immediately after returning. The despondency diminished, because I was not written off, and in the very first match in which I was included in the squad, I scored against Severstal.

Photo - Tatiana DOROGUTINA, "SE"

- As part of the training camp in Oshawa, just before the announcement of the final bid for the World Cup, the youth team played a friendly match with Canada in Toronto in front of 18 thousand spectators.

We changed into shorts and T-shirts before the dry warm-up and decided to go out and have a look at the arena. We walked in and everyone was stunned. Immediately silence. We think: “Where have we ended up?” We go out to the game - a red screaming sea. Very impressed.

- The fact that you defeated the Canadians in that control match could not have had a negative impact already in the final of the tournament?

There is no point in connecting these two games at all. It definitely helped that already at the World Championships we didn’t go out on the ice with our mouths open. The KHL is not inferior in terms of organization, but from the point of view of the atmosphere in Toronto, everything was special. Playing in such conditions is a fairy tale. Downright inspiring.

- The group stage of the World Championship did not work out in the best way. In the last game they lost outright to the Czechs, but already in the quarterfinals there was a real team on the ice. How did this happen?

Many guys have already told in the press how after the Czechs we got together as a team without coaches and expressed everything to each other. Everyone clearly understood that defeat in the quarterfinals from the United States would be a disgrace, and it would be very embarrassing to return home with it. There was no way to lose - and understanding this fact was beneficial. Bragin and his assistants conveyed everything to us very competently.

- The victorious semi-final with the Swedes, by all accounts, was the best match of the tournament for our team. They beat the inconvenient opponent without a chance, but with the score 0:0, one Russian hockey player ended up in the penalty box and the referees were considering whether to give him a match penalty.

Yeah. Perhaps the most nervous moment in my career. When I was going to the penalty box I wasn’t particularly worried, but then I looked: the Swede was lying down, the doctor was fussing around him, the judges were conferring. This is where the jitters began. You understand, they will give you “5+20”, and the Swedes were very strong in the majority - to let the team down at such a moment... You wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But everything worked out, they gave us “2+10”, and then we started scoring.

- The final result of the match is 4:1 - you established it. Emotions directly opposite to those experienced in the first period? Already the most joyful moment of your career?

One of the most pleasant goals in terms of emotions. It's an indescribable feeling to score for your country at such an important moment.

- It turns out that before the quarterfinals they were afraid of being eliminated, but in the end they reached the final. Maybe somewhere deep down they were satisfied with the performance and that’s why they didn’t put the pressure on the Canadians in the third period?

I don't agree. Everyone understood that there are never many such games in a career. We were only aiming for gold, we went out to die, but then those ill-fated two goals after two shots happened. And in general, the circumstances were against us: Yudin played one goal back, there were chances to equalize the score, but the opponent scored three more times. And not in the most logical way. We again reduced the gap to a minimum, but later we lacked luck in the little things. We didn’t concede anything to the Canadians, we were sure that we would throw in fifth place, but alas, it didn’t work out. The second break did them good: they rebuilt and closed.

- Did you leave for a long time?

Of course, there was devastation, but upon returning to CSKA I immediately warned that I had to get involved right away.

- Has your status in the team changed somehow, is it still a MFM medalist?


- But the end of the season was more successful: 8 (4+4) points in the final 15 matches of the regular season.

I think I played the same as at the beginning of the season, strictly according to the coaching instructions, it turns out that I really added something after the World Cup - since my performance increased. Vova Bryukvin didn’t score for Dynamo before Canada, but at the start of the Gagarin Cup he was one of the best snipers.

- And the playoffs were going well for your team until they made history by becoming the first to lose the series, leading 3-0. As one of the youngest on the team, did you understand what was happening in the confrontation with SKA?

What does youth have to do with it? Even with 3-0, no one thought that there was room for error and one defeat would not mean anything. We entered the fourth match as if it were our last. But everything didn’t go our way; at the decisive moments, luck was always in favor of SKA.

- After the defeat in the seventh game, was it scary to go into the locker room?

It is not customary for us to place the blame on the young.

Photo - Alexey IVANOV, "SE"

- The level of hockey in that semi-final series is called almost the highest in the entire history of the KHL. How did you feel on set in such conditions?

Compared to the regular season - heaven and earth. I don’t know about others, but personally it was very difficult for me. You have to think twice as fast, you are constantly being immediately covered. Naturally, there were mistakes, but I didn’t feel like I was on another planet.

- Unlike the semi-finals of the World Championship, in the second game of the semi-finals of the Gagarin Cup you were still given “5+20”.

And then they admitted that it was a referee's mistake. Therefore, I wasn’t even particularly scolded for this moment - it was a game episode, but the enemy suffered a cut. But, thank God, we won that match. Sorry, not a series.

- Be that as it may, just recently you received gold medals for the championship in the Kremlin. It turns out that the season, which contained so much, began for you in the heart of our capital and ended there.

But the truth is ( laughs). Until you reminded me, I didn’t even think about it. In July we were in the Kremlin on an excursion with young people. People looked askance at our gang in shorts and flip-flops ( laughs). Then I really didn’t know how everything would turn out: there was complete uncertainty ahead. But since in May he returned to the Kremlin already in a civilian suit and a gold medal around his neck, it means that the year was not in vain.

- But a few days before your iconic return to the Kremlin, you were also awarded the prize for the best newcomer in the KHL named after Alexei Cherepanov. A pleasant surprise?

A little over a year ago, before the start of the MHL playoffs, I decided to monitor my diet, my regimen, and devote more time to recovery. I had to give up a lot of things, and this prize showed that I made the right choice.

- The hockey world is always afraid that a young player who has barely achieved something will begin to cut himself some slack. Should you be worried?

I lost twice in the final series of the Kharlamov Cup, lost in the final of the World Youth Championship with Canada. So many times I have seen how an opponent throws off his gloves and enjoys success, and you look at all this with a silver medal around your neck. A depressing feeling. I always remember it and really want to get rid of it. How can you relax here?

(updated 07/08/2015)

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CSKA forward Maxim Mamin shared his expectations for the upcoming season and answered questions from fans. Last season, the hockey player was recognized as the best newcomer of the Kontinental Hockey League.

Which defeat was more difficult? In the final of the World Youth Championship or in the KHL playoffs from SKA? And why did this happen?
- I don’t think these defeats should be compared, but both were very difficult!
Moreover, we lost both decisive matches by one goal.

What can you say about Nikita Kucherov? You played together in the Red Army and now he is in the NHL, what can you say about this?
- Nikita is great! He has great talent plus hard work, so he was able to become one of the leaders of his NHL team.

- Maxim, how long do you press and squat?
- I bench pressed 110 kg at one time, but I didn’t try the squat with the maximum weight.

- Why couldn’t you reach the final of the Gagarin Cup, because you were leading the series against SKA 3-0?
- I think our team lacked experience and luck! But now we have this experience.

How do you feel about the limit on foreign players in Russian football? Do you think it’s normal for the state to impose its point of view on club football?
- I believe that the rules should be set by professionals, people who are very well versed in football!

- How are you feeling before the new season? What are your plans for the new season?
- The mood is great! The main goal for this season is the Gagarin Cup!

- What do you expect from the new season and what heights are you ready to conquer?
I'm looking forward to an interesting and longest season for our team!

- How do you feel about Evgeniy Artyukhin’s transfer to SKA?
- Transitions from one team to another are normal. I wish him good luck in his new team

- Do you think that in the new season you will play in the 3-4 line again... or will Dmitry Kvartalnov promote you?
- I will strive to get into the first lines and get more playing time!

- Which departed players would you bring back if you could?
- No matter how much I want to return someone, it doesn’t depend on me!

- Maxim, will our favorite club play the same way next season as last season?
- Our task is to play better this season than last!

- What were your emotions when you met number 8 Mamin from Vityaz last season?
- We met him for the first time at this game. We wished each other good luck!

- How old have you been playing hockey and do you remember your first goal?
- I have been studying since I was four years old. I don’t remember the first goal. I remember my very first tournament, where I became the top scorer!

Do you have a desire to move overseas? What goals do you set for yourself personally for the season? I would also like to wish you good luck both in sports and in life!!!
- Thank you for your wishes! I signed a contract with my club for two years! In these two years I need to become a good player! Then think about the future!

How did you spend your vacation? Have you gained strength for battle? I'm really looking forward to the start of the season! And I hope to see you in the top five, good luck to you!!!
- I had a great vacation, there is a lot of work ahead and I have plenty of energy for it! Thank you for your wishes!

- How many people recognize you? Are they asking for an autograph or photo?
Good luck in the new season!

- People don’t find out often, but if they ask for an autograph or take a photo, I do it with pleasure!

- Who do you consider the best player at that time when you played in the Red Army?
- It's hard to say who was the best. During the three years that I spent in the Red Army there were a lot of good players!

Maxim, I wish you big victories in CSKA!!! What were the emotions when you scored your first goal in the KHL, in the match with Severstal? Before this match, I was lucky enough to perform a symbolic puck drop. (Question from Maxim Mironov, one of the most devoted fans of CSKA)
- Thank you for your wishes! I know that you are our honorary fan with great experience! He started studying at the age of four at the Polar Bears Youth Sports School. The first goal gave me the most positive emotions!

- How quickly do you get used to new link/team partners?
- I get used to it quickly. As the season progressed, I had to play in all lines, with all partners!

- Maxim, who would you like to see as the captain of CSKA this season?
- Both captains from last season remain in the team. Therefore, I don’t think that I will have to choose new ones.

- Maxim, why did you choose number 78?
- Since childhood, I played under number 7. When I joined the Red Army, my number was taken, I chose 78, and now I’m not going to change it.

- Maxim, who was your idol in childhood? hockey, of course?!
- I didn’t have any idols, but since childhood I liked the game of Pavel Datsyuk!

Good evening Maxim. Tell me, which hockey player do you consider to be your beacon, who do you look up to professionally?
- There is no one hockey player, I try to take something good from everyone.

Maxim, which players would you like to play with on the same line if you could choose from all the KHL and NHL players? What sport after hockey?
- Hard to say. But I would like to play with Pavel Datsyuk! Besides hockey I really like tennis.

- Maxim, how much did your experience playing for the youth team help you improve as a player at CSKA?
- First, I gained experience at CSKA, and this helped me get into the youth team. And when I returned from the World Cup, I became more confident in playing for my club!

- Who do you communicate with best on the team?
- Last season, I spent my free time mainly with Nikita Kvartalnov and Misha Naumenkov.

- Hello, Maxim. I have several questions:
Have you ever wanted to quit hockey?
Did the fans give you gifts? Which of them seemed the most original to you?

- I had no intention of quitting hockey. They gave gifts, but I won’t single them out! I keep everything.

- Maxim, did you have problems with your studies because of hockey?
- The teachers knew that I played hockey professionally, so they helped me in some ways.

- Maxim, what do you value more in girls?
- I like girls who are not stupid and have a sense of humor.

- Maxim, what other sports are you interested in? Do you watch games or maybe play yourself?
- I like to watch football, tennis and biathlon. I like to play both football and tennis.

- How soon are you going to the NHL? Which club would you like to join? Thanks for the season!
- I would like someday to be invited by an NHL club. Which? I don't think about it now. Now I'm happy to play for my club! For CSKA!

- What genre of books do you prefer? What was the last thing you read? Can you recommend something?
- I don’t read a lot. I advise you to read Reality Transurfing.

- Maxim, why did you choose hockey?
- My mother brought me to hockey when I was four years old. Which I am very happy about!

Maxim, which of the countries you visited on vacation did you like the most? I wish you a bright season, and may all your pucks fly into the opponent’s goal and hit the target!
- Thank you for your wishes! I love vacationing in Turkey. Everything there is ideal for athletes to relax: swimming, tennis, volleyball, water polo, football.

- Maxim, who would you like to throw a shootout to?
- Everyone!

Less than two months have passed since the start of the NHL season, and one of the Russians has already decided to return to their homeland. According to TSN journalist Darren Dreger, Florida will give Maxima Mamina for rent in CSKA.

Does the NHL have rentals?

Yes, I have. Unlike the KHL, where they have been disowning it for many years and in a half-whisper they call it “hidden”. In the NHL, even a regular exile to a farm club is sometimes called a lease. There are frequent cases of business trips to Europe. As a rule, this concerns young Swedes and Finns. Such transactions occur much less frequently with the participation of Russians. The first story that comes to mind is Nikolai Goldobin, who went to Finland for a year, after which he made his debut for San Jose. In HIFK he was given a place in the second link, the majority team, and was released to the youth world championship.

The last case of a lease involving a Russian hockey player dates back to last season. Alexey Bereglazov Around the same time he returned to Magnitogorsk. True, the defender never made his debut for the Rangers, having played 13 matches for the farm club. Mamin, on the contrary, played exclusively for Florida this season, but the other day the club’s management decided to send him and Denis Malgina in the AHL. The Swiss of Russian origin eventually made it to Springfield, and Maxim took advantage of a clause in the contract that allows him to return to Europe if he is exiled to the farm.

Who else can come to the KHL?

Very soon another young player, on loan from an NHL club, may reach the KHL. It's about Kristian Vesalainen, the rights to which Jokerit recently bought from SKA. Under the terms of his contract, the 19-year-old Finn could leave the Winnipeg system if he remained in the AHL until November 17, but he was unexpectedly called up to the Jets' starting lineup. However, the likelihood of his appearance in the camp of “clowns” is still high.

SKA exchanged the rights to forward Vesalainen to Jokerit

It is also possible that he will return to Jokerit on loan. Eli Tolvanen, who is not doing well in Nashville. Together with Vesalainen, he became the top scorer of the Finnish team at the last youth world championship. Both, by the way, can play in Vancouver due to their age. So “Jokerit”, having acquired this couple or at least one of them, will seriously complicate the life of Valery Bragin and his charges.

How did Mamin play?

As we have already said, Mamin played all seven matches this season in the NHL, avoiding exile to the farm club. But, looking at how often the Russian remained on the bench and how much time the head coach of the Panthers gave him, you wonder: wouldn’t it be better to play for Springfield, where Maxim spent half of last season? Apparently, the forward himself did not want to return to the AHL. He played more than 10 minutes for Florida only in his first match of the season. For the team, the game with Vancouver was already the third. Subsequently, Mamin appeared in the lineup on a similar schedule: two matches – in reserve, two matches – played.

Mamin, who scored three goals last season, has never scored a single goal this season. He spent all seven matches with no results, playing mainly in the fourth line. In the first games of the season, he was formally used in the majority, but in reality it was from 5 to 15 seconds. Even just touching the puck in such time pressure is happiness. Without a doubt, Maxim played his best match of the season at the end of October against the Rangers, when he not only fought with Brendan Smith, but also added four shots and three power moves to his first fight in the NHL.

“He's come a long way this past season, but he's still getting used to the NHL, learning what it's like to be a professional. I always tell our young guys: do something in every match to make it harder for me to make decisions. But they all lack stability. Not just Mom’s – we have a lot of them. That’s why we kept Mamin, Malgin, and other guys in reserve,” said Florida head coach Bob Bugner on November 2.

After that interview with Bugner, the Russian striker disappeared from the Panthers for a long time. Mamin missed five games in a row, which became a record amount of time spent on the bench for him. After a devastating loss to Columbus, he was returned to the lineup for the match against the Rangers. Alas, a repeat of the October performance did not work out. Maxim received the minimum eye time of the season (4.01), but managed to earn “-2” in terms of usefulness. For Florida's management, this was the last straw.

19 Russians are in the final year of their NHL contract. What will happen to them next?

We will see some of them in the KHL next year.

Is there a place for him at CSKA?

According to North American sources, Florida is loaning out Mamin in order to provide him with playing practice. But there are big doubts about whether the current CSKA is suitable for this. Igor Nikitin’s team is on the move, the army team is already three points behind Avtomobilist, and in the last 23 games they have won 22 victories. And the main thing is that the attack of the Muscovites is in perfect order. There is a magnificent trio of Grigorenko - Vey - Kaprizov, which has been leading CSKA since the beginning of the season. I slipped a little at the start, but then Maxim Shalunov rolled in. Konstantin Okulov finally adapted to the army hockey.

This season, CSKA does not have such a long bench as in previous seasons. Crazy and merciless rotation is now more typical of another “army” club. However, the Muscovites' squad still looks fully equipped. On an ongoing basis, Nikitin used 15 forwards, that is, a full five threes. There are rumors that Muscovites may part with Pavel Karnaukhov, but globally this will not change anything.

In the top 6, frankly speaking, there is nothing to catch for Mom. He sometimes appeared in the leading links during Dmitry Kvartalnov, but then the composition of CSKA was more worker-peasant. Now Maxim will have to compete with Telegin and Kalinin, who are considered top checkers at the national team level, foreign players Scott and Hansen, and his slightly more creative peer Tolchinsky.

Father of many children. 15 players who were revealed by Kvartalnov

None of the coaches trust young people so much.

It is difficult to imagine that in the current CSKA Mamin will rise above the third line, will not be subject to rotation and will receive at least 15 minutes on average per match from Nikitin. In contrast to what was offered to him in Florida, everything may seem like happiness, but it would be much more useful for Maxim to spend this season in a conditional Torpedo or go to Europe.

Will he return to Florida?

De jure, Mamin was loaned out, but everything is heading towards the fact that the 23-year-old striker will turn the page for himself under the name of the NHL. As the already mentioned Bereglazov did: after playing half the season at Magnitogorsk on loan, he remained in his native club on a permanent basis. Mamin’s contract with Florida expires in 2019, after which he becomes a restricted free agent. However, the Russian does not have the right to arbitration.

Thus, Mamin is not obliged to go back overseas. Remembering how Roman Lyubimov, Anton Belov and many of our other hockey players returned to their homeland after one season in the NHL, we can assume that Mamin will simply check the box and forget about the dream of breaking into the strongest league in the world. Moreover, in CSKA he is unlikely to achieve such statistics with which he can qualify for a second try.

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